Vison, Mission, and Values

It has been said that education is the great equalizer. Some say it is the key to enlightenment; others say it is the key to success. The fact is that we believe all of this, because a good education develops the mind, equips a person with the necessary foundation to imagine, strive, and achieve goals, and enables a person to acquire the skills that instill free play of the intellect, analogical reasoning, and rational thinking that make one tolerant, collaborative, and a good citizen.

Our mission is to create the opportunity that would give children in poor communities in Nigeria, Pakistan, and the United States a chance to obtain education, thereby giving them a chance to succeed in life and become productive and good citizens of their local communities and the world at large.

We believe that all of us, anyone and everyone, can make a difference, if we do all we can, with all we have. Our value is rooted in our founder’s notion of collective responsibility for our benign neglect of the disadvantaged and deprived. The best way to ensure our safety and world peace is through education of those who could least afford it, who by consequence are prone to exploitation and destruction.